PDF Books in Anthropology Social Science
Legend Land, Vol 3
by LyonesseThis third volume of Legend Land tells some more of the old stories of those peoples, kindred in origin, the Welsh and the Cornish. They are mostly the old tales that have survived—who shall say how many generations?If you look into them, with the eyes of imagination, you will see behind them the simplest romances of a very simple people; a people ..
Lessons in Sabre
by John Musgrave WaiteIn the pages of this Manual an attempt is made to give full and practical instruction in Sabre and Singlestick Play, and in the use of Sabre against Bayonet, and also to explain the course of practice that is necessary for those who wish to perform the difficult sword feats which require at once strength and lightness of hand. How far I have succee..
Myths of China and Japan
by Donald A. MackenzieThis volume deals with the myths of China and Japan, and it is shown that these throw light on the origin and growth of civilization and the widespread dissemination of complex ideas associated with certain modes of life. The Far East does not appear to have remained immune to outside cultural influences in ancient times. Modern research has establ..
Bantu Beliefs and Magic
by C. W. HobleyIt is often said that the longer one knows the native the less one knows, and the less one understands him. This expression is doubtless comforting to persons who have not the patience to systematically study him and his views on life, but it could with convenience be replaced by a saying to the effect that the more one knows of the native the more..
Modern Whaling and Bear-Hunting
by W. G. Burn MurdochThe readers of this book will be interested to learn that the expedition from Dundee which set out for the Antarctic regions in 1892 to the Weddell Sea, south and east of Graham’s Land, and in which the author of the present volume took part, was the first of its kind since the famous expedition commanded by Sir James Ross in 1842. Dr W. S. Bruce, ..
The Native Races of East Africa
by Wilfrid D. HamblyDuring recent years there has been a very happy tendency to change the nature of geographical teaching from a monotonous memorising of the names of natural features to a subject of living interest. In the endeavour to effect this change there has been a serious omission in our failure to appeal to natural interests of children by making the human e..
The Truth about the Titanic
by Archibald GracieAs the sole survivor of all the men passengers of the Titanic stationed during the loading of six or more lifeboats with women and children on the port side of the ship, forward on the glass-sheltered Deck A, and later on the Boat Deck above, it is my duty to bear testimony to the heroism on the part of all concerned. First, to my men companions wh..
Bantu Folk Lore
by Matthew L. HewatHaving been for some time located in the border districts of the Cape Colony, and there coming into frequent contact with the natives; I was struck with the fact that there was a large field for investigation, and record of the “Medical Folk Lore” of the Bantu tribes, which was becoming more and more difficult of attainment as time went on, owing t..