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Clan Traditions and Popular Tales of the Western Highlands

Clan Traditions and Popular Tales of the Western Highlands

by Duncan MacIsaac

It has been thought well and due, by those who knew the late J. G. Campbell of Tiree, to give to the public more tales collected by him, and his sister has made over the following collection, selected by herself from among the tales gathered in the course of many years. We send them forth as a fitting memorial to his memory, and as another stone ad..

The Pagan's Progress

The Pagan's Progress

by Gouverneur Morris

Those to whom he had been charitable brought the body of the great hunter to his cave, and laid it within. But first they carried out the clubs and the nets and the fish spears and the war spears, and all that was of use, to be divided among them, for the great hunter would not need such things any more.Dissolution—decay—dust—nothing. It was thus t..