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  • Antigone


by Sophocles

Antigone PDF edition and other Sophocles books available for free download from our library.


Antigone written by Sophocles is the third play of The Oedipus Trilogy which portrays the braveness of Oedipus daughter Antigone and the tragedy of the Thebes ruler Creon.

The death of Oedipus triggered the civil war and the sons of Oedipus died in an attempt for the throne. Creon, the ruler of the Thebes has decided to honor Eteocles and Polyneices to public shame. He orders to leave the body of Eteocles left unburied in the battlefield. The daughters of Oedipus, Antigone and Ismene meets together to disobey Creon’s order and bury their brother’s body. Ismene refuse to Antigone’s wish of burying the body, but does not reveal the plan to anyone.

Creon hears the news of Antigone’s plan and punishes the sisters and imprisons them. Haemon, the son of Creon, engaged with Antigone pledge to his father not to punish them and leaves away from the king after the denial. In the preceding incidents, Haemon decided to correct his mistakes; however it was too late and hears from the sentry that Antigone hanged herself to death, Haemon killed himself and Eurydice, Creon's wife and Haemon's mother killed herself.

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