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  • Arms and Armor of the Pilgrims, 1620-1692

Arms and Armor of the Pilgrims, 1620-1692

by Harold L. Peterson

Arms and Armor of the Pilgrims, 1620-1692 PDF edition and other Harold L. Peterson books available for free download from our library.


The average colonist landing on the wild shores of North America in the early 1600’s set great store by his arms and armor. The Pilgrims were no exception. They were strangers in a vast and largely unknown land, inhabited by wild beasts and peopled by savages who were frequently hostile. Greatly outnumbered by known enemies and possibly facing dangers of which they were not yet aware, these Englishmen placed their main hope for survival on the possession of superior weapons and protective armor. On the more peaceful side, their firearms were also valuable, for they provided fresh meat for the table and furs for sale back home.

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