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  • Art of Love-Making

Art of Love-Making

by Anonymous

Art of Love-Making PDF edition and other Anonymous books available for free download from our library.


Many young people, particularly of the male kind, imagine themselves in love when in truth they are not. Their supposed passion is but a fancy of the moment. An ardent young man is introduced to a pretty or interesting girl, and after a quarter of an hour’s conversation is (in his own opinion) over head and ears in love with her. If he is a sensible man he will not betray his weakness, for should the result prove the correctness of his first impression, there can be no harm of concealing the sudden passion. If, on the contrary, he declares his partiality, either by words or absurd behavior, the flirt, if she be sensible, will be apt to look upon him with distrust, or as a silly fellow with little or no stability of character. 

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