Written by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Last Galley; Impressions and Tales
by Arthur Conan DoyleThe Last Galley: Impressions and Tales is a volume collecting 18 short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in 1911 by Smith, Elder & Co. and George Bell & Sons. Also titled The Passing of the Legions (R. Harold Paget [US]) in 1911...
The Croxley Master - A Great Tale Of The Prize Ring
by Arthur Conan DoyleMR. ROBERT MONTGOMERY was seated at his desk, his head upon his hands, in a state of the blackest despondency. Before him was the open ledger with the long columns of Dr. Oldacre's prescriptions. At his elbow lay the wooden tray with the labels in various partitions, the cork box, the lumps of twisted sealing-wax, while in front a rank of empty bot..
The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1915
by Arthur Conan DoyleIn the previous volume of this work, which dealt with the doings of the British Army in France and Flanders during the year 1914, I ventured to claim that a great deal of it was not only accurate but that it was very precisely correct in its detail. This claim has been made good, for although many military critics and many distinguished soldiers ha..
The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1916
by Arthur Conan DoyleIn two previous volumes of this work a narrative has been given of those events which occurred upon the British Western Front during 1914, the year of recoil, and 1915, the year of equilibrium. In this volume will be found the detailed story of 1916, the first of the years of attack and advance.With the increasing number and size of the units emplo..
The British Campaign in France and Flanders 1917
by Arthur Conan DoyleThis, the fourth volume of The British Campaign in France and Flanders, carries the story through the long and arduous fighting of 1917, which culminated in the dramatic twofold battle of Cambrai. These events are cut deep into the permanent history of the world, and we are still too near it to read the whole of that massive and tremendous inscript..
The British Campaign in France and Flanders—January to July 1918
by Arthur Conan DoyleThis fifth volume deals with one of the most tremendous episodes in history, when the vigour of the German attack and the desperate resistance of the British both on the Somme and in Flanders, held an awestruck world in suspense. A million men released from the Russian front, rolled across Europe and, swelling that great tide which was already bank..
The British Campaign in France and Flanders—July to November 1918
by Arthur Conan DoyleWhen the year 1918 had run half its course the Germans appeared to be triumphantly in the ascendant. In Flanders they had pushed back the British to positions which were, on an average, to the rear of those occupied in 1914. On the Somme they had more than neutralised all the Allied gains of 1916, and were stretched now from Arras to Montdidier, co..
Recollections of Captain Wilkie - A Story of an Old Offender
by Arthur Conan DoyleI had been so full of the fact that my long-expected holiday had come at last, and that for a few days, at least, the gayeties of Paris were about to supersede the dull routine of the hospital wards, that we were well out of London before I observed that I was not alone in the compartment. In these days we have all pretty well agreed that “three is..