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  • Beowulf


by Francis Barton Gummere

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Beowulf is an epic poem considered as a remarkable Anglo-Saxon literature written in old English by unknown author and has been translated by Francis Barton Gummere.

This poem narrates the rise and fall of Beowulf who hails from Greats, a tribal kingdom. Beowulf encounters three battles named Grendel, Grendel's mother and The dragon against supernatural deomons. While in the first and the second battle, he wins for other kingdoms, the third battle is fight by him as a king in the old age, he is mortally wounded and ends up in death.

Beowulf, the hero of Greats, aids Hroðgar, the King of the Danes against the monster Grendel. In the fierce fighting he kills Grendel without any arms. His second battle is against Grendel’s mother, whom he kills with a sword. Later Beowulf is crowned as King of Greats. The Greats is attacked by the Dragon and Beowulf goes for the battle. Though his old now, he goes on to fight the dragon without the aids of his warriors. However he is wounded by the Dragon. Wiglaf, one of the warriors comes to aid and wins the battle. However the mortally wounded Beowulf dies and ritually burned on a great pyre.

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