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  • Bird Day; How to prepare for it

Bird Day; How to prepare for it

by Charles Almanzo Babcock

Bird Day; How to prepare for it PDF edition and other Charles Almanzo Babcock books available for free download from our library.


Bird Day; How to prepare for it is a book written for assisting school children to know about the value of birds and history of the bird day movement, written by Pennsylvania School superintendent Charles Almanzo Babcock, who is credited for launching bird day in American schools. 

This book is divided into two parts as History of the movement of the bird day and notes on representative birds for the bird day. Part one details the history of the movement of the bird day, the objects of celebrating bird day, the value of birds, the destruction of birds, and plan of study. Part two details information about the representative birds such as Kingbird, Flicker, Red-headed woodpecker, Blue jay, Bobolink, Red-winged black bird, Meadow lark, Goldfinch, Chickadee, and Catbird.

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