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  • Boswell's Life of Johnson

Boswell's Life of Johnson

by James Boswell

Boswell's Life of Johnson PDF edition and other James Boswell books available for free download from our library.


The Life of Samuel Johnson is the biography of the English Poet Samuel Johnson and considered as the greatest biography written in the modern biography genre. Johnson was described as the most distinguished man of letters in English history.  James Boswell, the author of this biography was an Scottish Lawyer and his surname went on to get his name synonym for the term Boswell, Boswellian, Boswellism for his observing power. The biography not only narrated the life of Dr.Johnson, but had been considered as the vital source of information of his times. Though it was popular among his contemporary literary world. most modern critics thought it can not be considered as a proper biography. It may be noted that Bosewell not only made significant changes to Johnshon's quotes but also censored many comments.

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