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PDF Books in Stories For Boys

In the Days of Queen Elizabeth

In the Days of Queen Elizabeth

by Eva March Tappan

In the Days of Queen Elizabeth is an interesting read about the life of Queen Elizabeth written for young readers by Eva March Tappan, an American author of Children’s books whose other principal works include In the Days of Alfred the Great, Stories from Seven Old Favourites, In the Days of William the Conqueror, American Hero Stories, and The Sto..

The Saddle Boys at Circle Ranch

The Saddle Boys at Circle Ranch

by James Carson

The Saddle Boys at Circle Ranch is part of "The Saddle Boys" series of books for children written by James Carson whose other writings include “THE SADDLE BOYS OF THE ROCKIES,” “THE SADDLE BOYS IN GRAND CANYON,” and “THE SADDLE BOYS ON THE PLAINS,”. Excerpts from the bookJust as Bob had anticipated, it was found that the narrow pass served som..

Motor Matt's Clue

Motor Matt's Clue

by Stanley Matthews

Motor Matt's Clue or "The Phantom Auto" is a thrilling adventure story for children written by Stanley Mathews whose other notable motor fiction work is "Motor Matt".Excerpts"When I went to sea, I shipped from Halifax on the Billy Ruffian, as we called her, although she's down on the navy list as the Bellerophon. From there I was transferred to the..

Stories of Heroic Deeds for Boys and Girls

Stories of Heroic Deeds for Boys and Girls

by James Johonnot

Stories of Heroic Deeds for Boys and Girls is a collection of stories about historic heroes written by James Johonnot, an American educator and historian known for his work "Ten Great Events in History". For the purpose of entertainment, stories about historical heroes are some times exaggerated which leads to confusions to young readers not o..

Barry Blake of the Flying Fortress

Barry Blake of the Flying Fortress

by Gaylord Du Bois

Barry Blake of the Flying Fortress is a war time novel written by Gaylord Du Bois as part of the fighters for freedom series of stories published by WHITMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Barry Blake, the lead character of this novel joins Airforce and assigned as a pilot to fighter flight B-17 Flying Fortress.  Accompanied by other naval ..

Grettir the Outlaw

Grettir the Outlaw

by Sabine Baring Gould

Grettir the Outlaw is a story of Iceland for young readers written by English antiquarian and novelist Sabine Baring-Gould who is remembered for his work "The Lives of the Saints" which went on for a whopping sixteen volume. Among more than 30 plus writings notable one include Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, Red Spider, The Tragedy of the Caesars..

Frank Armstrong at Queens

Frank Armstrong at Queens

by Matthew M. Colton

Frank Armstrong at Queens is a sports fiction novel for boys written by Matthew M. Colton. This novel is one of the Frank Armstrong series novels such as Frank Armstrong at College," "Frank Armstrong's Vacation," "Frank Armstrong, Drop Kicker," "Frank Armstrong, Captain of the Nine," and "Frank Armstrong's Second Term." Excerpts:"Can you tell ..

Under the Lilacs

Under the Lilacs

by Louisa May Alcott

Under the Lilacs is a Children's novel written by Louisa May Alcott narrates the story of two girls Bab Moss and Betty Moss who are staying in the house of Miss Ceila, a Circus Runaway. Ben Brown, the neighborhood boy enters their life and the story progress through the adventures of Ben and his dog Sancho...