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  • Buffalo Bill from Prairie to Palace

Buffalo Bill from Prairie to Palace

by John M. Burke

Buffalo Bill from Prairie to Palace PDF edition and other John M. Burke books available for free download from our library.


Buffalo Bill from Prairie to Palace is an authentic history of the wild west With Sketches, Stories of Adventure, and Anecdotes of “Buffalo Bill,” the Hero of the Plains compiled by JOHN M. BURKE (“ARIZONA JOHN”) with the authority of General W. F. Cody (“Buffalo Bill”). An association of some thirty years with the subject of these pages, a familiarity with his history gained by opportune meetings and conversations with comrades now living, and those since dead—who were witnesses of the events that assisted to make the individual prominent—makes me feel it a public duty to accede to the publisher’s request to compile a short, sharp, and veracious account of the unique history of this picturesque character.

Born at a time, and reared in an atmosphere, the most romantic and adventurous known in the history of our American frontier, when the tidal wave of human progress, sweeping westward, was making history faster than the historians could record it—it was his fate to be in the field, and his fortune to grasp the opportunities to meet the situation’s requirements, and, in the beaten path of what seemed ordinary daily duty, to rise, by reason of his sterling qualities, his daring, and his courage, to the distinction of a leader.

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