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  • Bully Bull Frog and His Home in Rainbow Valley

Bully Bull Frog and His Home in Rainbow Valley

by Elizabeth Stafford Fry

Bully Bull Frog and His Home in Rainbow Valley PDF edition and other Elizabeth Stafford Fry books available for free download from our library.


I should like to take all my young friends for a visit to a spot in a most beautiful valley. We will call it Rainbow Valley. Although this is not its real name, it will do for want of a better one. At one side of this valley, nestled in against the hills, and quite hidden from sight by tall grasses and the overshadowing branches of trees, is a beautiful little lake. It is so tiny that perhaps we had better just call it a pond. In this pond are tall bulrushes that nod their heads in the summer breeze, and waving grasses and lovely pond lilies grow here.

In the center of the pond is a small island carpeted with wild flowers, ferns, and clinging vines. Great forest trees surround the pond on three sides and stretch their mighty arms far out over its still waters. On the other side a tall rocky cliff guards the pond. Large rocks poke their noses out of the water and jut out from the cliff. One old fallen tree, that once gave shade to the quiet waters beneath, lies still at the water's edge. On its branches the little bird built his nest, the squirrel sunned himself, and the great owl sat and called to his mate.

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