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  • Bushido, the Soul of Japan

Bushido, the Soul of Japan

by Inazo Nitobe

Bushido, the Soul of Japan PDF edition and other Inazo Nitobe books available for free download from our library.


Bushido, the Soul of Japan is a classic text written by Inazo Nitobé, A Japanese writer and economist of the per-World War- II period. In spite of his origin, he wrote the books in English and later it was translated to Japanese.

This book is a study of the way of the samurai written while Japan undergone from its traditional style to a modern nation. It explores the samurai sources as benevolence, sincerity, rectitude and self conatrol. An in depth study can be gained through this book which describes on The indigenous traditions of Japan, such as Buddhism, Shintoism, Confucianism and the moral guidelines handed down over hundreds of years by Japan's samurai and sages.

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