PDF Books in Business and Economics
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The History of Trade Unionism
by Sidney WebbThe thirty years that have elapsed since 1890, down to which date we brought the first edition of this book, have been momentous in the history of British Trade Unionism. The Trade Union Movement, which then included scarcely 20 per cent of the adult male manual-working wage-earners, now includes over 60 per cent. Its legal and constitutional statu..
The Law of Hotel Life
by Robert Vashon RogersThe author knows as well as did old Burton that "books are so plentiful that they serve to put under pies, to lap spice in, and keep roast meat from burning," yet he ventures to offer another volume to the public, trusting that some men’s fancies will incline towards and approve of it; for "writings are so many dishes, readers guests, books like be..
Rubber Hand Stamps and the Manipulation of Rubber
by T. O'Conor SloaneThe present work hardly needs a preface. The object is to present in the simplest form the subject of the manipulation of india rubber. To mould and cure the mixed gum but few appliances are needed, and these can be made at home. For some reason the methods of moulding the material are not generally known. Experiment has taught many the futili..
Hints on the History and Management of the Honey Bee
by Edward BevanThe bees collect also another substance called propolis, of a resinous nature. This is collected from certain trees, to fasten the combs to the roof of the hives, to varnish and strengthen the cell-work, and to stop up the crannies of the hive. This substance is used as soon as collected, while it is soft, none of it being stored, for its collector..
Practical House, Wagon and Automobile Painter
by W. F. WhiteWhen paint crawls it is because there is not sufficient adhesion between the undercoat and the new coat, caused usually by too much gloss on the undercoat. To prevent crawling subdue the gloss on the undercoat by sandpapering, rubbing, or by the application of some material which will have the desired effect; or, if on the outside, wait until the g..
The Honey-Bee: Its Natural History, Physiology and Management
by Edward BevanAlthough the great addition which has of late been made to our knowledge of the honey-bee, may seem to render a reference to ancient writers comparatively unimportant; yet a few prefatory observations, upon the rise and progress of apiarian science, may not be out of season.The natural history and management of bees would probably occupy the attent..
by John CummingWe live in a practical age. Proposals of all sorts are too often, right or wrong, weighed against gold:—"How much will it bring? Can I turn a penny by this business?" I do not pretend to say bee-masters are rich men, or that the way to a fortune is through a bee-hive; but I do assert that a poor parish minister, vicar, or curate with a little glebe..
The Bee Keeper's Guide
by J. H. PayneHaving written the "Cottager's Guide for the Management of his Bees, upon the Depriving System," which has been printed for gratuitous distribution among the Cottagers, I am induced, at the particular request of several Apiarian friends, to enlarge the above little work, and to give in addition a description of Nutt's newly invented Hive, and other..