PDF Books in Business and Economics
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Bee-keeping for the Many
by J. H. PayneWith regard to the materials of which hives are made, I believe it to be a matter of indifference whether straw or wood be used, but the facility and economy in the construction of straw hives must always be a recommendation, especially to the cottager. Having, therefore, decided upon the materials for cottagers' hives, their form must now be consi..
A Handbook of Cookery for a Small House
by Jessie ConradOf all the books produced since the most remote ages by human talents and industry those only that treat of cooking are, from a moral point of view, above suspicion. The intention of every other piece of prose may be discussed and even mistrusted; but the purpose of a cookery book is one and unmistakable. Its object can conceivably be no other than..
Cheating the Junk-Pile: The Purchase and Maintenance of Household Equipments
by Ethel R. PeyserThis book is in no way intended to be a book on household efficiency, in the usual sense of the word—it is no religio-culinaris, no domestic Baedecker or home Taylor. It is merely meant to be a means to the purchase and care of the best household equipments and to be an instruction before not after the purchase is made. Further, it is meant to chea..
The Bee Keeper's Guide (Fourth Edition)
by J. H. PayneHaving written the "Cottager's Guide for the Management of his Bees, upon the Depriving System," which has been printed under the direction of the Suffolk and Norfolk Apiarian Society, for gratuitous distribution amongst the Cottagers, I am induced, at the particular request of several Apiarian friends, to enlarge the above little work, and to give..
Texas Pecan Recipes
by Reagan V. BrownThere aren’t many Texans who don’t have a special liking for pecans grown in the state, usually enjoying them straight from the shell. But now, more and more people are incorporating pecans in many different types of recipes. In this booklet we have included recipes for salads, main dishes, desserts, candies, and cookies.We hope that you find new w..
Bee-keeping for profit
by W. S. MorleyIt is only in comparatively recent years that attention has been given to bee-keeping on a scientific basis. Aforetime there were certain traditional methods to be followed to secure the honey harvest, but those who practised them knew neither the why nor wherefore. To-day, however, thanks to the observations of our great scientists on the life and..
Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1880)
by Lizzie E. CottonThe hive and system of bee management recommended in these pages is entirely original with me, and is not patented. I invented the hive and plan of management for my own use, as I am engaged in raising honey for market, and wish every swarm of bees I keep to produce the greatest possible amount of surplus honey, and in the most convenient and attra..
Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1891)
by Lizzie E. CottonIn presenting this work I have no apology to make. After an experience with bees dating almost from childhood, and a careful study of all works published on the subject of bees, and the journals devoted to that particular branch of rural affairs, I find theory, guess-work, prejudice and selfish motives are so prevalent, as to confuse and discourage..