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  • Captain Ravenshaw or The Maid of Cheapside -  A Romance of Elizabethan London

Captain Ravenshaw or The Maid of Cheapside - A Romance of Elizabethan London

by Robert Neilson Stephens

Captain Ravenshaw or The Maid of Cheapside - A Romance of Elizabethan London PDF edition and other Robert Neilson Stephens books available for free download from our library.


Captain Ravenshaw or The Maid of Cheapside: A Romance of Elizabethan London is an adventure novel blended with humor and wit which makes it  an enthralling read for the mystery lovers.  Written by American author Robert Neilson Stephens who has written many novels in the genres of mystery and historical fiction and notable works among his numerous works include  Clementina's Highwayman , A Gentleman Player: His Adventures on a Secret Mission for Queen Elizabeth , The Continental Dragoon , The Road to Paris; A Story of Adventure , and The Flight of Georgiana.

Excerpts from the book

The air was damp as well as cold. The fugitive, keeping his ungloved hands warm by spreading them around the fowl, which was fresh from the spit, had to grope his way through an inky wind. He listened for possible footfalls behind him, but he heard none, and so he chuckled inwardly and held his prize close to his breast with a sense of security. Now and then he raised it to his nostrils, in anticipation of the feast he should enjoy upon arriving at the resting-place he had in mind. He would have made a strange spectacle to anybody who might have been able to see him from one of the rattling casements as he passed; but so dark it was that downlookers could no more have seen him than he could see the painted plaster, carved cross-timbers, projecting windows, and gabled roof-peaks of the tall houses that lined the narrow street through which he fled.

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