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  • Catalonia & The Balearic Islands

Catalonia & The Balearic Islands

by Albert Frederick Calvert

Catalonia & The Balearic Islands PDF edition and other Albert Frederick Calvert books available for free download from our library.


Every stranger who crosses the Pyrenees knows that Catalonia differs in many important respects from every other province in the kingdom. He has heard that the natives speak of going into Spain as if they lived outside of it; he knows that they speak a tongue different from the Castilian; that their enterprise and activity distinguish them favourably among King Alfonso’s subjects, and they have kept well abreast of every other European community. All this is true, and it would be easy to enumerate many other peculiarities. The tendency, however, is to exaggerate the points of difference between Spaniard and Catalan, and to lose sight of their fundamental affinity. 

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