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  • Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 107, Vol. III, January 16, 1886

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 107, Vol. III, January 16, 1886

by Chambers' Journal

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 107, Vol. III, January 16, 1886 PDF edition and other Chambers' Journal books available for free download from our library.


The wonderful improvements which have been effected in modes of communication during the latter part of the present century have resulted in bridging over space, and bringing the dwellers on this planet into closer and more constant intercommunion. Submarine cables, telegraphs, and telephones have each contributed their aid towards the realisation of Puck’s idea of putting ‘a girdle round the earth;’ and, as might have been expected, the inventive faculty has been directed, in some measure at least, towards enabling those ‘who go down to the sea in ships’ to communicate with each other on the ocean highways with such facility as might be found practicable under the ever-varying conditions which obtain at sea.

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