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Written by Charles Dickens

Sunday Under Three Heads

Sunday Under Three Heads

by Charles Dickens

My Lord, You were among the first, some years ago, to expatiate on the vicious addiction of the lower classes of society to Sunday excursions; and were thus instrumental in calling forth occasional demonstrations of those extreme opinions on the subject, which are very generally received with derision, if not with contempt. Your elevated station, ..

Tom Tiddler's Ground

Tom Tiddler's Ground

by Charles Dickens

?Because he scatters halfpence to Tramps and such-like,? returned the Landlord, ?and of course they pick ?em up. And this being done on his own land (which it is his own land, you observe, and were his family?s before him), why it is but regarding the halfpence as gold and silver, and turning the ownership of the property a bit round your finger, ..