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  • Chess Fundamentals

Chess Fundamentals

by Jose Raul Capablanca

Chess Fundamentals PDF edition and other Jose Raul Capablanca books available for free download from our library.


Chess Fundamentals is a strategic guide to the game written by Jose Raul Capablanca, a Cuban player remembered as “Human Chess Machine” for his rapid play and endgame skills which made him the Chess Champion during 1921 – 1927.

Capablanca mentions in the preface that in spite of Hypermodern Theory which is only a form of change, this book written decades back will still be a standard work for the years to come, as long as the rules of the game remains same. While style of play might find new methods, strategies based on fundamental principles will be unchangeable asset and will remain worth forever.

The book opens with three important principles of Openings, Middle-Game and End-Game play. Readers are further taken down general theories, winning plans in middle and ends of the play. Also 14 sample games with application of strategies such as Queen’s gambit declined, Irregular defence, French defence, Ruy lopez, Centre game, and Petroff defence are detailed with illustrative pictures.

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