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Christian Marriage Indissoluble - A Plain Sermon

by James Galloway Cowan

Christian Marriage Indissoluble - A Plain Sermon PDF edition and other James Galloway Cowan books available for free download from our library.


The following Sermon is printed, partly because some who heard it wished to possess it, and partly because it has been suggested to me that it would be useful for distribution as a tract.  It is simply what I have called it, “a plain Sermon,” written and printed for ordinary hearers and readers.

God Himself deals with this whole question.  Have you so investigated the subject, as to feel convinced that man only proposes now to carry out God’s law?  If you were appealed to to petition against this bill, or to pray that it may be put off, would your refusal to do so (if you refused) be grounded upon a thorough conviction, formed from devout and careful study of God’s Word, that there was nothing religiously wrong in the measure!  No!  To many of you the trumpet has appeared to give an uncertain sound, and you have not prepared yourselves for the battle.  “The priest’s lips have not kept knowledge, and you have not sought the law at his mouth,” or anywhere else.

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