PDF Books in Children's Christianity
Mother Stories from the New Testament
by AnonymousMother Stories from the New Testament is a collection of Biblical stories from the New Testament written by anonymous authors. The stories are narrated with illustrative pictures which increases the learning interest in young minds. Some of the stories narrated here include The wise men’s visit, The angel’s tidings, Jesus in the temp..
Mother Stories from the Old Testament
by AnonymousMother Stories from the old Testament is a collection of Biblical stories from the old Testament written by anonymous authors. The stories are narrated with illustrative pictures which increases the learning interest in young minds. Some of the stories narrated here include Cain and Abel, The flood, The tower of Babel, Abraham and Isaac, T..
Wee Ones' Bible Stories
by AnonymousWee Ones' Bible Stories is a collection of popular bible stories such as Feeding the multitudes, Jesus calms the tempest, Ruth and Naomi, Moses, Jacob and Esau, The apostle Paul, David, The tower of Babel, and The boyhood of Jesus. Feeding the multitudes; the story of five small barley loaves and two small fish supplied by a boy were used by Jes..
The Wonder Book of Bible Stories
by Logan MarshallThe Wonder Book of Bible Stories is written by Logan Marshall, a biographer remembered for his writing of The Sinking of the Titanic. His other notable works include Horrors and atrocities of the Great War, Swedish American handbook, Famous tales of fact and fancy, and Life of Theodore Roosevelt. Bible being one of the oldest books available for..
Bible Stories and Religious Classics
by Philip P. WellsBible Stories and Religious Classics is a collection of stories intended to be read by children. This collection is compiled by Philip P. Wells and contains more than 50 stories collected from Bible as well as from popular children books writer like Hans Christian Anderson. The collection includes The life of Adam, The rainbow, The life of..
Children's Edition of Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer
by S. B. ShawChildren's Edition of Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer is a book intended to be read by children. This book has been themed around to teach the power of prayer to young minds through short stories of how the prayers had influenced the life of individuals. Some of the notable stories are Always tell the truth, The child h..
The Children's Six Minutes
by Bruce S. WrightThe Children's Six Minutes is collection of Sermons which is intended to create interest in young minds for regular visits to Church. The sermons are tiny and exist only for three to six minutes. Bruce S. Wright had a custom of giving this sermon which helped the boys and girls as a regular visit to worship and a steady Christian experience. Som..
A Young Folks' History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
by Nephi AndersonA Young Folks' History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is written by Nephi Anderson, a Norwegian writer of LDS fiction. His literary contributions span across novels, short stories, poems and non-fiction works. Among his numerous writings notable are Added Upon, The Castle Builder, Story of Chester Lawrence, Fisherman Knute..