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PDF Books in Country Life Fiction

The Little Lady of the Horse

The Little Lady of the Horse

by Evelyn Raymond

Old Sutro and young Steenie were where they might have been found on almost every day at the same hour,—down on the beach, where the great cañon cut through the mesa to the sea.A group of rocks, roughly piled, and a few evergreen shrubs clustering about them, made a pleasant break in a long, monotonous stretch of coast, and the coolness of the spot..

Cousin Lucy

Cousin Lucy

by Jacob Abbott

Two volumes of a series of little books, corresponding, in their general style and characteristics, with the Rollo Books for boys, but designed more particularly for the other sex, have already been published, under the names of Cousin Lucy’s Conversations, and Cousin Lucy’s Stories. This, and its companion, Cousin Lucy at Play, are now offered to ..

Cousin Lucy at Play

Cousin Lucy at Play

by Jacob Abbott

Two volumes of a series of little books, corresponding, in their general style and characteristics, with the Rollo Books for boys, but designed more particularly for the other sex, have already been published, under the names of Cousin Lucy’s Conversations, and Cousin Lucy’s Stories. This, and its companion, Cousin Lucy at Study, are now offered to..

The Manly Boy

The Manly Boy

by Walter Aimwell

The steamer’s bell is pealing forth its last call. The huge, hot engine, as if impatient of delay, seems hissing at every joint, while the dark clouds that roll up from its smoke-pipes tell of the activity of the sweltering firemen below. The hawser is cast off. A tardy passenger or two are hurried over the gangway, and their baggage sent after the..