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PDF Books in Cowboys Fiction

Law Rustlers

Law Rustlers

by W. C. Tuttle

Jim Sillman explains that everything he owns is on the crick, and that if Glory breaks the law they’re liable to take away his property as punishment. Kind of a weak way of looking at things, but we can’t all think alike thataway. He offers us five hundred dollars cash if one of us will marry her. This gives her the right to pull her freight out of..

Upside Down or Backwards

Upside Down or Backwards

by W. C. Tuttle

Magpie’s physique is impressing, unless yuh views him edgeways, when yuh can’t get more’n uh glimpse. He’s six feet several inches tall, wears uh kind look and uh long mustache, and has the ability to let me into more trouble than man is heir to.When we gets nine hundred dollars’ worth uh gold out of our placer mine on Plenty Stone Crick, Magpie ge..

Making Good for Muley

Making Good for Muley

by W. C. Tuttle

Muley was a poetical puncher, of considerable avoirdupois, and he found Susie a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Susie was a niece of Zeb Abernathy, who owned a sheep outfit on Willow Creek, and a grouch toward all cowmen—and Muley punched cows for the Cross J outfit, and drew forty a month from old man Whittaker.I’m not belittling Muley’s salary..

Playing Safe in Piperock

Playing Safe in Piperock

by W. C. Tuttle

Piperock looks like a siesta settlement, but she sure is deceiving. Few folks ever get killed in the town. The good old village usually invigorates ’em to a mile-a-minute clip, and we makes it a point never to shoot anybody in the back.She ain’t the birthplace of nobody, and nothing much except horse-thieves are buried there. When it comes to law a..

The Loom of the Desert

The Loom of the Desert

by Idah Meacham Strobridge

MISS GLENDOWER sat on the ranch-house piazza, shading her eyes from the white glare of the sun by holding above them—in beautiful, beringed fingers—the last number of a Boston magazine. It was all very new and delightful to her—this strange, unfinished country, and each day developed fresh charm. As a spectacle it was perfect—the very desolation an..

From Missouri

From Missouri

by Zane Grey

During the next several hours, while Tex searched the town for a buckboard and team he could borrow, the other cowboys wandered from the saloon to the post-office and back again, and then to the store, the restaurant and all around. The town had gradually filled up with Saturday visitors. “Boys, there’s the boss,” suddenly broke out Andy, pointing;..

The Buckaroo of Blue Wells

The Buckaroo of Blue Wells

by W. C. Tuttle

James Eaton Legg hooked his heels over the rounds of his high stool, stretched wearily and looked out through the none-too-clean windows to where a heavy fog almost obscured the traffic. Heavy trucks lumbered past, grinding harshly over the cobbles. Somewhere a street-car motorman did a trap-drum effect on his gong; a ferry boat whistled boomingly...