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  • Cubists and Post-impressionism

Cubists and Post-impressionism

by Arthur Jerome Eddy

Cubists and Post-impressionism PDF edition and other Arthur Jerome Eddy books available for free download from our library.


Cubists and Post-impressionism is a short work written by Arthur Jerome Eddy, the author of “Delight, the Soul of Art,” “Recollections and Impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler,” etc.

The young sculptor looks at the chaste perfection of Greek sculpture and says, “What is the use? I will do something different.” The young painter looks at the great painters of yesterday and exclaims, “What is the use? I cannot excel them in their way; I must do something in my own way.” It is the same in business; the young merchant studies the methods of the successful men in his line and says, “It is idle for me to copy their methods. I will do something different, something in my own way,” and he displays his goods differently, advertises differently, conducts his business differently, and if successful is hailed as a genius, if a failure he is regarded as a visionary or an eccentric—the result making all the difference in the world in the verdict of the public.

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