Dante and the early astronomers
by Mary Acworth Orr
Dante and the early astronomers PDF edition and other Mary Acworth Orr books available for free download from our library.Synopsis
Dante’s astronomy, therefore, is of wide and deep significance. To study its history is to learn a chapter in the development of the human intellect; to see the universe with his eyes is to know how it appeared, not only to his contemporaries but to men in many lands and many centuries. The system of Ptolemy was already a thousand years old when Dante studied it, and it continued to be taught long after Copernicus had introduced a truer one; nor has it ever been completely swept away, for much that it taught was accurate. The new astronomy has developed from the old, and bears traces to this day, in its phraseology, its written symbols, and its methods, of the many races and ages which have contributed to its progress.
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