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  • Darwinism. The Noachian Flood

Darwinism. The Noachian Flood

by Thomas R. R. Stebbing

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Darwinism. The Noachian Flood: A lecture delivered before the Torquay Natural History Society, Jan. 31st, 1870.

Darwinism implies almost throughout that no universal Deluge has drowned our globe, either within the last ten thousand years, or even within a period indefinitely longer.  Let us speak with due respect of the contrary belief.  It seems to rest upon the testimony of a Volume the most precious in the world.  It was taken for granted till a few years back as much in science as in religion.  For a while, the arguments that began to be raised against it were met by counter-arguments so plausible, and the objectors differed so widely among themselves, that unscientific opinion had a kind of right and prudence in adhering to that which had been taught for centuries, and was still taught without deviation in nursery, and school, and pulpit.

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