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  • Devils Tower National Monument -  A History

Devils Tower National Monument - A History

by Ray H. Mattison

Devils Tower National Monument - A History PDF edition and other Ray H. Mattison books available for free download from our library.


This booklet is published by the DEVILS TOWER NATURAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION, a nonprofit organization dedicated to help preserve the features of outstanding national interest in the Devils Tower area. The association is pledged to aid in the interpretation of the human history and natural history of this area, that the visitor might better enjoy and appreciate more of his natural and historical heritage.

During subsequent tens of millions of years, erosion has stripped away the softer rock layers in which these masses formed, leaving them standing as dominant landmarks. The process continues today as the Belle Fourche and Little Missouri Rivers and their tributary streams, aided by freezing, thawing, rain drops, and the other processes that break down the rock, continue to alter the face of the earth in this region.

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