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The Grand Cham's Diamond -  A Play in One Act

The Grand Cham's Diamond - A Play in One Act

by Allan Monkhouse

The Grand Cham's Diamond: A Play in One Act is an one act English drama written by Allan Monkhouse.A sitting-room in a small house in a London suburb. The window is in the wall to the left of the spectator and the door in the right half of the back wall. The furniture is ordinary. On the chimneypiece, to the right of the spectator, is a clock...



by Sidney Howard

The aim of this play is to represent the impulse and the progress of civil liberty in this country since the commencement of the War for Independence. The intention is never literal. In spite of a certain actuality in the presentation of the incidents of “The Glorious Morning” at Lexington, the play must always be considered and produced as an abst..

Rachel -  A Play in Three Acts

Rachel - A Play in Three Acts

by Angelina Weld Grimké

The scene is a room scrupulously neat and clean and plainly furnished. The walls are painted green, the woodwork, white. In the rear at the left an open doorway leads into a hall. Its bare, green wall and white baseboard are all that can be seen of it. It leads into the other rooms of the flat. In the centre of the rear wall of the room is a window..

Waiting for an Omnibus in the Lowther Arcade on a Rainy Day

Waiting for an Omnibus in the Lowther Arcade on a Rainy Day

by John Maddison Morton

Interior of the Lowther Arcade. The Strand Entrance supposed to be at L. side; shops and stalls with goods exposed running across at back of stage; PEDESTRIANS, male and female children walking to and fro at L., a number of people standing, others make their way in with umbrellas up, which they put down and join the PROMENADERS; the BEADLE of the a..

Borgia -  A Period Play

Borgia - A Period Play

by Michael Field

An apartment of the Vatican: at the further end the door of the Treasury by which the Lord Cardinal Casanova is seated. The Lord Alexander VI. and an Envoy from Naples. The Pope is seated; from time to time he plunges his hands into a coffer of pearls, letting the pearls stream through his fingers...

Ismael; an oriental tale. With other poems

Ismael; an oriental tale. With other poems

by Edward George Lytton Bulwer

To court applause by oblique dexterity, or without a due sense of respect for public opinion, impertinently to advance pretensions, is equally revolting to the feelings of an ingenuous mind. But as genius and a desire of fame are naturally allied, and, perhaps, the former never existed without the latter; will not the youthful adventurer be justifi..

Greek Tragedy in the Light of Vase Paintings

Greek Tragedy in the Light of Vase Paintings

by John H. Huddilston

Although the archaeologists and mythologists constitute for the most part the number of those seriously concerned with Greek vases, there still remain many engaged in the study of Greek literature for whom the vases are bound to possess an abiding value, since they often relate the stories that Homer, Pindar, Aischylos, and Euripides tell. One may ..

The Escape

The Escape

by William Wells Brown

This play was written for my own amusement, and not with the remotest thought that it would ever be seen by the public eye. I read it privately, however, to a circle of my friends, and through them was invited to read it before a Literary Society. Since then, the Drama has been given in various parts of the country. By the earnest solicitation of s..