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  • Dreams and Images -  An Anthology of Catholic Poets

Dreams and Images - An Anthology of Catholic Poets

by Bryce Walton

Dreams and Images - An Anthology of Catholic Poets PDF edition and other Bryce Walton books available for free download from our library.


This is not a collection of devotional poems. It is not an attempt to rival Orby Shipley’s admirable “Carmina Mariana” or any other similar anthology. What I have tried to do is to bring together the poems in English that I like best that were written by Catholics since the middle of the Nineteenth Century.

There are in this book poems religious in theme; there are also love-songs and war songs. But I think that it may be called a book of Catholic poems. For a Catholic is not a Catholic only when he prays; he is a Catholic in all the thoughts and actions of his life. And when a Catholic attempts to reflect in words some of the Beauty of which as a poet he is conscious, he cannot be far from prayer and adoration.

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