Written by Edmond Hamilton
The Sinister Invasion
by Edmond Hamiltonhe old factory building, he saw now was a blind. Behind its dingy walls and masked windows were at least two floors of offices. The doors of them all were closed, but he heard the hum and buzz of earnest activity from behind them. Gray-face nudged him toward one of the doors. The thick-necked driver went on somewhere. Birrel looked around a feature..
Crashing Suns
by Edmond HamiltonAs the control-levers flashed down under my hands our ship dived down through space with the swiftness of thought. The next instant there came a jarring shock, and our craft spun over like a whirling top. Everything in the conning-tower, windows and dials and controls, seemed to be revolving about me with lightning speed, while I clung dizzily to t..