Written by Edward Bevan
Hints on the History and Management of the Honey Bee
by Edward BevanThe bees collect also another substance called propolis, of a resinous nature. This is collected from certain trees, to fasten the combs to the roof of the hives, to varnish and strengthen the cell-work, and to stop up the crannies of the hive. This substance is used as soon as collected, while it is soft, none of it being stored, for its collector..
The Honey-Bee: Its Natural History, Physiology and Management
by Edward BevanAlthough the great addition which has of late been made to our knowledge of the honey-bee, may seem to render a reference to ancient writers comparatively unimportant; yet a few prefatory observations, upon the rise and progress of apiarian science, may not be out of season.The natural history and management of bees would probably occupy the attent..