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  • Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal Vol. 2 (of 3)

Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal Vol. 2 (of 3)

by Bryce Walton

Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal Vol. 2 (of 3) PDF edition and other Bryce Walton books available for free download from our library.


The history of the life and labours of Galileo is pregnant with a peculiar interest to the general reader, as well as to the philosopher. His brilliant discoveries, the man of science regards as his peculiar property; the means by which they were made, and the developement of his intellectual character, belong to the logician and to the philosopher; but the triumphs and the reverses of his eventful life must be claimed for our common nature, as a source of more than ordinary instruction.

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