Written by Emmett McDowell
The Outcasts of Solar III
by Emmett McDowellThe Outcasts of Solar III, by Emmett McDowell. Jon Saxon's eyes narrowed. So the girl thought the invisible figures were G.A.'s men. He had known, of course, from their first meeting that the girl was a General Atomic spy. But by not so much as a hint had he let her suspect that her very thoughts betrayed her.The tingling sensation intensified, war..
Moon of Treason
by Emmett McDowellMoon of Treason is a science fiction short story written by Emmett McDowell as part of the Planet stories magazine.Clyde Vickers shuffled awkwardly down the gangplank. After two years on Jupiter he felt buoyant as a toy balloon in the mild gravity of Earth's satellite. Every step he expected to go sailing over the heads of the other passengers—up, ..