PDF Books in Etiquette Reference
The Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette and Manual of Politeness
by Cecil B. HartleyThe Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette and Manual of Politeness written by Cecil B. Hartley is a guide on how to win friends and influence people. Etiquette is nothing but a code of behavior, in simple terms can be called manners. Being a social animal, we feel much safe in our nest as our behavior often overlooked by the dear ones. When we are..
More Goops and How Not to Be Them
by Gelett BurgessMore Goops and How Not to Be Them, is a manual which teaches good behavior to the impolite child, written by the American humorist Frank Gelett Burgess, remembered for coining the word blurb and author of Goops books and other writings such as Goops, and How to be Them, More Goops, and How Not to Be Them, Goop Tales, The Rubaiyat of Omar Cayenne, a..
Acres of Diamonds - Our Every-day Opportunities
by Russell H. ConwellWritten by American Philanthropist and the founder of Temple University, Russell H. Conwell's inspirational lecture Acres of Diamonds: Our Every-day Opportunities let you explore the treasure of wealth and opportunities for personal success. He is also the author of popular books including Increasing Personal Efficiency, What Yo..
Analyzing Character
by Arthur NewcombAnalyzing Character is a book on the new science of Judging Men; Misfits in Business, the Home and Social Life. Co-authored by Katherine M. H. Blackford and Arthur Newcomb, this book on self-help and personal success will help you to excel in your business.This work is a treatise upon the fascinating and valuable art of analyzing human charact..
How to Succeed
by Rosetta DuniganHow to Succeed is a self-help and personal success guide written by Rosetta Dunigan. Those acts which go to form a person’s influence are little things, but they are potential for good or bad in the lives of others. Though they are as fleeting as the breath which gave them, their influence is as enduring as they reach. But may we strive t..
The University of Hard Knocks
by Ralph Albert ParletteThe University of Hard Knocks is a book on etiquette and character building for personal success written by Ralph Albert Parlette.More than a million people have sat in audiences in all parts of the United States and have listened to "The University of Hard Knocks." It has been delivered to date more than twenty-five hundred times upon lyceum cours..
A Fleece of Gold
by Charles Stewart GivenThe fable of Jason and the Golden Fleece is known to old and young the world around. To the latter, perhaps, no other simple narrative in Greek mythology is more fascinating, nor holds a more valuable lesson if they will but seek to learn it. But especially to the boy or young man of thoughtful mind does the glorious adventure appeal and make its l..
Successward - A Young Man's Book for Young Men
by Edward William BokThe average young man is apt to think that success is not for him. To his mind it is a gift to the few, not to the many. "The rich, the fortunate—they are the only people who can be successful," is the way one young fellow recently expressed it to me, and he thought as many do. It is this wrong conception of success which this book aims to remove. ..