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  • Every Man His Own University

Every Man His Own University

by Russell H. Conwell

Every Man His Own University PDF edition and other Russell H. Conwell books available for free download from our library.


Every Man His Own University is an educational reference book written by American philanthropist Russell H. Conwell whose other works include What You Can Do With Your Will Power, The Key to Success, Acres of Diamonds: Our Every-day Opportunities, and Increasing Personal Efficiency.

A distinct university walks about under each man's hat. The only man who achieves success in the other universities of the world, and in the larger university of life, is the man who has first taken his graduate course and his post-graduate course in the university under his hat. There observation furnishes a daily change in the curriculum. Books are not the original sources of power, but observation, which may bring to us all wide experience, deep thinking, fine feeling, and the power to act for oneself, is the very dynamo of power.

Your good newspaper reporter is a trained observer who describes exactly what he sees. Yet the manner in which even the trained observer fails to observe correctly is unfailingly demonstrated by the widely differing accounts of the same occurrence as reported in the various newspapers of a community.

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