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  • Fairy Tales, Volume 2 (of 2)

Fairy Tales, Volume 2 (of 2)

by Marion Florence Lansing

Fairy Tales, Volume 2 (of 2) PDF edition and other Marion Florence Lansing books available for free download from our library.


The division of Fairy Tales into two volumes was rather for the sake of keeping the books small and of uniform size in the series, “The Open Road Library,” than because there was any difference in the age of children addressed. Some of the best stories have been reserved for this book.

The plan has been to gratify interest awakened in the tales of the first volume by a parallel in the second. Thus in the first we had the droll of “Hans in Luck,” to which “Clever Alice” corresponds in this. The “Frog Prince” and “Beauty and the Beast” are paralleled by the “White Cat,” in which a princess instead of a prince is restored from the spell of an animal disguise. 

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