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  • Fairy Tales for Workers' Children

Fairy Tales for Workers' Children

by Herminia zur Muhlen

Fairy Tales for Workers' Children PDF edition and other Herminia zur Muhlen books available for free download from our library.


The work of translating this little book of fairy tales for workers’ children is very small in comparison to the joy I get from the knowledge that you, my beloved young comrades, are going to enjoy it.

You have read many fairy tales, some of them very beautiful and some that frightened you with their horrible giants and goblins. But never, I am sure, have you read such lovely stories about real everyday things. You see poor people suffering around you every day; some of you have yourselves felt how hard it is to be poor. You know that there are rich people in the world, that they do not work and have all the good things of life. You also know that your fathers work hard and then worry about what will happen if they lose their jobs.

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