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Romeo And Juliet

Romeo And Juliet

by William Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet is one of the most popular and frequently performed tragedy drama believed to have been written in the 15th century by William Shakespeare during his early career. Based on an Italian tale, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers in the contemporary world. The plot is based on the main characters of Romeo an..

Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina

by Graf Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina is a novel by Russian author Graf Leo Tolstoy. The story of woman, who once mediated to solve family problems on account of adulteries of his brother, fall herself in a similar situation later. Anna Karenina, wife of Karenin a statesman. Infatuated, fell in love and later married to a young cavalry officer, Anna’s activities are consi..

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

by Mark Twain

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a children's novel by Mark Twain. Unlike other adventure stories, this adventure journey is not for fun but for the survival. A boy, whose life is, threatened none other than his own father.  A slave escapes from the custody of masters in fear of being sold. Both unite to fight for survival of them. Huckle ..

A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities

by Charles Dickens

A Tale of two cities is based on the theme of revolutionaries’ vengeance against aristocracy. Aristocracy spoiled their life. Now it is the turn of revolutionaries. Unfortunately many aristocrats who were not guilty were also victims of this revolt against the aristocracy. Notable victims of this revolt are Charles Darnay, a former French aris..



by William Shakespeare

Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark takes revenge against his uncle, who is responsible for killing of his father King Hamlet. Claudius, the younger brother of King Hamlet kills the King Hamlet by poisoning him to assume the power and immediately marries Gertrude, the widow Queen. The ghost of King narrates his killing to young Hamlet and asks to take..

The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo

by Alexandre Dumas

The Count of Monte Cristo is an adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas. A man’s gifted life is changed overnight from the height of happiness to rigorous imprisonment. Edmond Dantès who is fortunate enough to lead a wonderful life with his personal & professional success. Soon to become a captain of the ship, he is engaged to beautiful and young Me..

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights

by Emily Bronte

Heathcliff is adopted by Mr. Earnshaw in spite of stiff resistance from his own children Hindley and Catherine. After the death of their father, Hindley inherits Wuthering heights, the estate owned by their father. He starts ill-treating Healthcliff and was forced to become a servant in his own estate, which was supposed to be inherited by him. Cat..

The Return of Sherlock Holmes

The Return of Sherlock Holmes

by Arthur Conan Doyle

The death of the detective character Sherlock holmes in this series of collection forbids the author from publishing any more stories of his detective fiction works. Sherlockian enthusiasts called the period of this novel as "The Great Hiatus", the stories happening 1891 to 94. Arthur Conan Doyle was put in intense pressure to revive his creatur..