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Eline Vere
by Louis CouperusIn the intellectual history of all countries we find the same phenomenon incessantly recurring. New writers, new artists, new composers arise in revolt against what has delighted their grandfathers and satisfied their fathers. These young men, pressed together at first, by external opposition, into a serried phalanx, gradually win their way, become..
Summer Morning - A poem
by Thomas MillerMorning again breaks through the mines of Heaven,And shakes her jewelled kirtle on the sky,Heavy with rosy gold. Aside are drivenThe vassal clouds, which bow as she draws nigh,And catch her scattered gems of orient dye,The pearlèd-ruby which her pathway strews;Argent and amber, now thrown useless by.The uncoloured clouds wear what she doth refuse,F..
The Goblin Groom - a Tale of Dunse
by R. O. FenwickThe Author of the Goblin Groom can, on no consideration, be induced to follow the example of the amiable and justly celebrated Madame de Genlis, who, in her Historical Romance of the Chevaliers du Cygne, observes,—“Enfin l’ideè de faire mourir l’heroine de l’histoire des les premieres pages, et cependant de s’occuper d’elle jusqu’ a la fin, est peu..
Plet - A Christmas Tale of the Wasatch
by Alfred LambourneA tale from out my western life you say?Something to while the Christmas Eve away;And something, too, to suit this festal time,With two old bachelors, long past their prime,Who as they sip in solitude their wine,Are filled with memories of Auld Lang Syne?Well,—I grant it. Yet why did you add,Something to suit the time? I shall be glad—But was the l..
Plantation Echoes
by Elliott Blaine HendersonThe music of the American negro, the fresh and spontaneous expression of a good and care-free heart, has long been one of the most pleasing features of American life. It is human nature in its first vocal garb—original and unique, often humorous and always true to the sentiment of the singer. If there ever was an illustration of the close relations..
A poem on the earthquake at Lisbon
by AnonymousCALM was the Sky, the Sun serenely bright,Shot o’er the Sea long dazzling Streams of Light.Thro’ Orange Groves soft breathing Breezes play’d,And gather’d Sweets like Bees where e’er they stray’d.In fair Relievo stood the lofty Town,Set off by radiant Lights and Shadows brown;While ev’ry Dome, each Cupola and Spire,Shone doubly gilt by the Sun’s lam..
Day Dreams
by Rudolph ValentinoA collection of poems by Rudolph Valentino includingThe Gift BookNatureThe Love ChildHeart FlowerYouDay DreamsSuspicionThe SageMorphiaDominoThe SphinxStradivariusExtravaganzaMirageGlorificationRemembrance..
Lyrics & Legends of Christmas-Tide
by Clinton ScollardLyrics & Legends of Christmas-Tide is a collection of Christmas poems written by Clinton Scollard including the belowA BellChristmas ElvesThe Christmas AngelNazareth TownA Christmas MasqueA Song for Christmas MorningThe Christmas MinstrelsTwelfth Night SongYule at ThengelforA Yule-Tide Carol..