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The Conscript Mother

The Conscript Mother

by Robert Herrick

The citizens of Genzano certainly looked ugly. They were dirty and poor, and scowled at the young officer. The little town, for all its heavenly situation, seemed dreary and sad. The word “socialismo” scrawled on the stone walls had been half erased by the hand of authority. War meant to these people more taxes and fewer men to work the fields.The ..

In the Morning

In the Morning

by Willis Boyd Allen

In the Morning is a collection of poem by Willis Boyd Allen which includes below.At Chrystemesse-TydeVita NuovaNot in the WhirlwindDiapasonChamounixIn the MorningMarigold“Seventeen, Eighteen, Maid’s A-Waiting!”To M——, on her Birthday“Yours Truly”A Sermon by a Lay PreacherIn Somno VeritasThalattaUnknown..



by Thomas Heywood

Heywood, unlike many of his contemporaries, and in this respect notably unlike Dekker, seems to have kept tolerably free from joint composition. Of twenty-four plays, only two, The Late Lancashire Witches and Fortune by Land and Sea, were produced by him in collaboration, the former with Brome, and the latter with W. Rowley. Of all the playwrights ..

A Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations

A Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations

by H. G. Adams

The favour with which our former compilation—the “Cyclopædia of Poetical Quotations”—was received, and the numerous calls which we had for an extension of the plan of that work, induced us to determine on the issue of this companion volume, which, although exactly similar in size and price, and method of arrangement, yet possesses a decidedly disti..

Puella mea

Puella mea

by E. E. Cummings

Harun Omar and Master Hafizkeep your dead beautiful ladies.Mine is a little lovelierthan any of your ladies were.In her perfectest arraymy lady, moving in the day,is a little stranger thingthan crisp Sheba with her kingin the morning wandering...

Knightly Legends of Wales

Knightly Legends of Wales

by Sidney Lanier

King Arthur was at Caerlleon-upon-Usk; and one day he sat in his chamber, and with him were Owain the son of Urien, and Kynon the son of Clydno, and Kai the son of Kyner, and Gwenhwyvar and her handmaidens at needle-work by the window. And if it should be said that there was a porter at Arthur's palace, there was none. Glewlwyd Gavaelvawr was there..

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

by Ardelia Maria Cotton Barton

Autumn Leaves was in the hands of the Publisher (Bruce Brough) at the time of the Great Fire of April, 1906, and not a single page of the original manuscript was saved. I could only recall a few titles, and a line or two here and there, not knowing though where they belonged. I began to rewrite on the 12th of June, 1908, and on the 12th of Septembe..

Two in Arcadia

Two in Arcadia

by Lucine Finch

Come over the sea to me, to me,Come over the sea to me!The little ships go sailing by,But never a ship brings thee!There were no words, if I remember,But something subtler, deeper, Love.The night it was a cold DecemberWith a shiv’ry, silver moon above—But in our hearts—the flame of love!..