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The Bobbsey Twins and Baby May

The Bobbsey Twins and Baby May

by Laura Lee Hope

The old woman making her way up the street amid the storm, carrying on one arm a large, square market basket covered with a black cloth, as if to keep whatever was inside dry from the pelting rain, did, indeed, seem a strange figure.As she walked along, holding her large, green umbrella over her head, she glanced now, and then from beneath it at th..



by Booth Tarkington

Our lives seem to be made up of apparently haphazard episodes, some meaningless, others important, and although we do live principally with our families and friends and neighbours, I find that people I hardly know have sometimes walked casually into my life, and influenced it, and then walked out of it as casually as they came in. All in all, I can..

Death Walks on Mars

Death Walks on Mars

by Alan J. Ramm

There was death below. The man lay cradled in the pebbly sand. Red sand that matched the color of his hair and the color of the blood oozing slowly from the hole in his forehead and trickling greasily along the inside of his punctured head-bubble. The air whistled thinly through the corresponding hole in the bubble as the oxygen converter tried vai..

Never Trust a Thief!

Never Trust a Thief!

by Robert Silverberg

Kiley took one last, fond look at the glittering heap of jewels in the back of the spaceship, nodded happily to himself, and began to set up a blastoff orbit. Somewhere down on the field far below, he could see dot-like figures—spaceport attendants, all firmly convinced that this was an authorized flight.He chuckled. This is the right way to pull a..

Hans of Iceland, Vol. 1 of 2

Hans of Iceland, Vol. 1 of 2

by Victor Hugo

HANS of Iceland is the work of a young man,—a very young man.As we read it, we see clearly that the eighteen-year old boy who wrote “Hans of Iceland” during a fever fit in 1821 had no experience of men or things, no experience of ideas, and that he was striving to divine all this.Every intellectual effort, be it drama, poem, or romance, must contai..

Hans of Iceland, Vol. 2 of 2

Hans of Iceland, Vol. 2 of 2

by Victor Hugo

The regiment of musketeers from Munkholm was on the march through the narrow passes lying between Throndhjem and Skongen. Sometimes it moved along the brink of a torrent, and the long line of bayonets crept through the ravine like a huge serpent with glittering scales; sometimes it wound around a mountain, making it look like one of those triumphal..

Hero From Yesterday

Hero From Yesterday

by Randall Garrett

It took Karson a few moments to digest the strange idioms. Finally he said, "Right. He began small, with petty thefts and burglaries—he took anything he wanted. Then he began branching out. He compelled a scientist to create a serum for him that would instill absolute loyalty to him in anyone who took it; using that serum, he's built up a band of h..

The Answer

The Answer

by Emil Petaja

The room was dark. It was always dark, so dark he couldn't see the bed, the soft wide bed with the plum satin headpiece that was studded with cushioned buttons, and the triangle of chiffon that was draped elegantly from the ceiling. The Venetian blinds were shut tight, so that not even the blackness of the black summer's night could be seen. John R..