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Satellite of Death

Satellite of Death

by Randall Garrett

The five Earthmen covered the surface of the ship, looking for an exterior hatch control. Beveridge found it first—a narrow lever extruding a few inches from the skin of the alien vessel. He called to the others, then yanked down on the lever. The hatch pivoted back, opening into an airlock.There was the usual moment of Alphonse-Gaston as the five ..

Master Race

Master Race

by Richard Ashby

One moment he was piloting a fast plane over dangerous green jungles ... and the next Eddie was wide awake and peering through the gloom. Across the room Rags was whining softly and sniffing the damp night air that rolled in through the open window. The Scotty was excited, Eddie saw, and it must be something out of the ordinary for Rags' whimpering..



by John Galsworthy

Its psychic origin, like that of most human loves and hates, was obscure, and yet, like most human hates and loves, had a definite point of physical departure—the moment when Bowden’s yellow dog bit Steer’s ungaitered leg. Even then it might not have ‘got going’ as they say, but for the village sense of justice which caused Steer to bring his gun n..

The Fritz Strafers -  A Story of the Great War

The Fritz Strafers - A Story of the Great War

by Percy F. Westerman

Hugh Holcombe was cast in a different mould. Except in point of age there was little in common between the two lads. Holcombe was tall for his age, and possessed the appearance of a budding athlete. Although in mufti—he was spending the last week of the Christmas vacation with an uncle at Southsea before rejoining Osborne College—there was a certai..

The Hunt Pack

The Hunt Pack

by Samuel Alexander White

In hilarious Happy Camp, on the north side of Chilkoot Pass, inbound stampeders traveling laden and outbound packers traveling light, rested by night from the toil of the trail. Foregathered in the Saxon Saloon they relaxed their muscles, their throats and their poke-strings. Motley crowds haunted the bar on one side of the huge canvas room, surrou..

Double Identity

Double Identity

by Henry Farrell

He demonstrated again that rangey reach of his and slammed a fistful of hard knuckles into the putty face in front of him. Mario went down on the thick carpet, his fat nose spurting blood like a drinking fountain for vampires. He was just another one of those larded slobs and, true to the type, he began to blubber. The blonde in the corner froze in..

The Friendly Killers

The Friendly Killers

by S. M. Tenneshaw

I leaned back in my seat, full of the satisfaction that comes of drawing the right card. "A thrill-mill," I observed, assuming a mock-academic tone, "is a fantastically expensive little device known technically as a perceptual intensifier. It's given away, not bought or sold, and is found only on Rizal. No one knows where it comes from, or why. Nei..

Munchausen XX

Munchausen XX

by W. G. Worfel

When I was about five years of age, I was summoned, one morning, to the bedside of my father, where I learned that he was at the point of death from an accident. I was one of fourteen children—the fourteenth; seven boys and seven girls, the girls and boys alternating until I was reached.8I was very much surprised, upon entering the room in which he..