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The Old Way

The Old Way

by Stephen Marlowe

Gramps stood apart from all this, and when he saw me he came running through the mob on spindly legs, waving his arms frantically so that I wouldn't miss him. As if I would. If there was anything more incongruous here on the Martian landscape, anything that seemed more out of place than did old Gramps, I didn't see it. Two hundred years ago in anot..

They Reached for the Moon

They Reached for the Moon

by William Oberfield

They took a thousand days to build the great, gleaming monster, and another two hundred to groom it for its trip around the moon. All this they did with an air that made a trip to the moon seem quite natural and sure, even though three other rockets had gone before and not one had returned.But they were not sure. They were stubborn, perhaps proud, ..

Mrs. Arthur (Vol. 1 of 3)

Mrs. Arthur (Vol. 1 of 3)

by Mrs. Oliphant

Mrs. Arthur is the first of three volume fiction work written by Mrs. Oliphant. There was a considerable number of people in the little parlour—to wit, Mr. Bates in his big chair on one side of the fire, sipping rum-and-water, and reading a newspaper which was soft and crumpled with the usage of the day at the nearest public-house; and Mrs. Ba..

Mrs. Arthur (Vol. 2 of 3)

Mrs. Arthur (Vol. 2 of 3)

by Mrs. Oliphant

Mrs. Arthur is the second of three volume fiction work written by Mrs. Oliphant. ARTHUR CURTIS did not think of the letter which old Davies had given him till days after. It had been crushed up in the pocket of his coat, the sight of his sister, and all the contending emotions of the time having put it out of his head; and what could there be ..

Mrs. Arthur (Vol. 3 of 3)

Mrs. Arthur (Vol. 3 of 3)

by Mrs. Oliphant

It was like a dream when it was all over, so huddled up at the end, so seemingly causeless; the sudden outburst of accumulated dissatisfaction and failure breaking out in a moment, a storm out of a clear sky, as it were. There was no adequate reason for the catastrophe; greater troubles had been between them before, more violent disputes; perhaps i..

The Cosmic Looters

The Cosmic Looters

by Alexander Blade

Duncan Wyatt sprang up, grabbed his gun and started toward the door before he had his eyes properly open. His ears were ringing with the explosive roar that had awakened him and the pre-fab shack still quivered in the shock wave.He crouched in the doorway and peered out onto the mesa. The unorthodox shape of the experimental ultra-tight-beam transm..

The Ambassador's Pet

The Ambassador's Pet

by Alexander Blade

Our instructions came in detail a little while later. We were to hover over Aldebaran VII and give a special signal; a transfer-tug would come up to us from the surface and hand the Ambassador and his pet over to us. Under no conditions were we to land on Aldebaran VII itself; the natives would regard it as a breach of the truce that currently exis..



by Tom W. Harris

Careful to keep trees and bushes between himself and the cottage, the boy legged it across the fields toward the glass rocket poised in Johnson's pasture, glittering and slim like a dark, slender dancer. To Pete it was all the promise in the world distilled into a pointed black glass bottle. But to the women in the cottage....He glanced back. Appar..