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The End -  How the Great War Was Stopped. A Novelistic Vagary

The End - How the Great War Was Stopped. A Novelistic Vagary

by L. P. Gratacap

IT is a pretty village, Saint Choiseul, perched on a hillside whose slopes, undeviatingly smooth and moderate, subside into a flowing land of streams and fields and white roadways. Its narrow streets are decorous with straight lines of prim poplars that have a military stiffness, and while the wind stirs their hedged leaves into audible protest—the..

The Primrose Path -  A Chapter in the Annals of the Kingdom of Fife

The Primrose Path - A Chapter in the Annals of the Kingdom of Fife

by Mrs. Oliphant

The old house of Earl’s-hall stands on a long strip of land between two rivers, in that county affectionately known to its inhabitants as the kingdom of Fife. It is not a great house, but neither is it an insignificant one, though fortune has brought the family low which once held some primitive state in it: a quaint, gray dwelling, not formed for ..

The Professor's House

The Professor's House

by Willa Cather

The Professor in pyjamas was not an unpleasant sight; for looks, the fewer clothes he had on, the better. Anything that clung to his body showed it to be built upon extremely good bones, with the slender hips and springy shoulders of a tireless swimmer. Though he was born on Lake Michigan, of mixed stock (Canadian French on one side, and American f..

A Bounty Boy

A Bounty Boy

by Frank Thomas Bullen

This perhaps should rather be called a prefatory note, since all the introduction to my book that I deem necessary is to say that in it I have endeavoured to sketch a community for whom I have the highest admiration, the descendants of the mutineers of the Bounty, who I maintain are a standing proof of the miraculous power of the Gospel in the rege..

Gabrielle de Bergerac

Gabrielle de Bergerac

by Henry James

My good old friend, in his white flannel dressing-gown, with his wig "removed," as they say of the dinner-service, by a crimson nightcap, sat for some moments gazing into the fire. At last he looked up. I knew what was coming. "Apropos, that little debt of mine—"Not that the debt was really very little. But M. de Bergerac was a man of honor, and I ..

It Might Have Happened Otherwise

It Might Have Happened Otherwise

by Hugh Pendexter

The growth of the thing in his mind had been gradual. When it had obtruded upon his consciousness at first he had drawn back in mingled fear and anger. By degrees, however, he tolerated the thought, only always at a distance, and concluded by allowing it to make a rendezvous of his idle meditations, receiving it much as one might welcome an unwhole..

Lightning Jo

Lightning Jo

by J. F. C. Adams

Covered with dust, and reeking with sweat, with bloody nostril and dilated eye, the black mustang thundered up to the gate of the fort, staggered as if drunken, and then with a wheezing moan, shivered from nose to hoof, and with an awful cry, like that of a dying person, his flanks heaved and he dropped dead to the ground, his lithe, sinewy rider l..

The Sinister Invasion

The Sinister Invasion

by Edmond Hamilton

he old factory building, he saw now was a blind. Behind its dingy walls and masked windows were at least two floors of offices. The doors of them all were closed, but he heard the hum and buzz of earnest activity from behind them. Gray-face nudged him toward one of the doors. The thick-necked driver went on somewhere. Birrel looked around a feature..