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Guardians of the Tower

Guardians of the Tower

by Randall Garrett

That morning, the sun rose bright and clear over the Tower. Jon woke, clambered to his feet, and rolled his sleeping-blanket. Within five minutes, he was fully awake and ready to protect the Tower against its enemies.He took his station and stared out over the sea. Far in the distance, he could make out the bomb-blackened city; off to the left was ..

Children of the Chronotron

Children of the Chronotron

by Bryce Walton

When their sun began to wane, the Xlarnans at first retreated underground to hoard the heat and life-supporting energies which their nuclear generators could supply. But as their world grew colder, century after century, they devised a means of creating a substitute for the ionosphere—a protective layer of radioactive gases in the upper reaches of ..

Dead Shot -  A Romance of the Yellowstone

Dead Shot - A Romance of the Yellowstone

by Albert W. Aiken

It was at the close of a bright May afternoon; the last rays of the sinking sun shone down gayly upon the broad prairie, through which, like a great yellow serpent, rolled the turbid waters of the Yellowstone river—a river that took its rise at the base of the Rocky Mountains and then flowed eastward, until it poured its current into the great Miss..

The Island Trapper

The Island Trapper

by T. C. Harbaugh

The occupant of the blanketed saddle was a medium-sized man, about forty years of age. His hair, and he had an ocean of it, was an iron-gray, and shone like silver. The face was smooth, somewhat cadaverous, but healthy; and the brownish eyes, nestling between long, dark lashes, were indicative alike of gentleness and determination. He wore the ofte..

Armageddon, 1970

Armageddon, 1970

by Robert W. Krepps

They tried to kill Alan Rackham about an hour after he had seen the accident. They bungled the job. They shot at him from ambush—with an ordinary automatic pistol—as he was walking up to his house; and Brave, who had a sixth sense for danger which never failed him, knocked Alan over at the very instant of the shot and sprawled across him, a great s..

Miss Lochinvar -  A Story for Girls

Miss Lochinvar - A Story for Girls

by Marion Ames Taggart

The big dining-room looked a trifle dreary in spite of the splendor of its appointments; in spite, too, of the fact that there were enough children’s faces around the long table to have brightened it. But though the six owners of these faces ranged between the happy ages of sixteen and three, and were all healthy young folk, they lacked the blithe ..

Bearly Reasonable

Bearly Reasonable

by W. C. Tuttle

All men looks alike to her. Mebby she’d shy at th’ perfessor, but I’m bettin’ that uh rear view of th’ ol’ boy goin’ up uh tree or doin’ th’ vanishin’ act over uh hill might fool uh mad grizzly into thinkin’ she was chasin’ uh real, honest-to-grandma man. Uh course she’d find out her mistake, but by that time it’s too late to rectify it. No self-re..

The Woodcutter’s Dog

The Woodcutter’s Dog

by Charles Nodier

Charles Nodier’s fascinating story “Le Chien de Brisquet,” which has enthralled generations of French children, is now introduced to English children of the present day, with a few delightful illustrations by that exquisite artist, the late Claud Lovat Fraser.In the Forest of Lions, not far from the village of La Goupilière and close to a fine well..