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Eunice and Cricket

Eunice and Cricket

by Elizabeth Weston Timlow

The day before had been Eunice’s birthday, and this Kodak, which had been a long-desired possession, was a birthday present. As it was given to them entirely ready for use, they had literally nothing to do but “press the button.”Papa had been too busy that morning to explain the mysterious little affair very particularly, but he told the children t..

Queen of the Dawn -  A Love Tale of Old Egypt

Queen of the Dawn - A Love Tale of Old Egypt

by H. Rider Haggard

There was war in Egypt and Egypt was rent in two. At Memphis in the north, at Tanis, and in all the rich lands of the Delta where by many mouths the Nile flows down to the sea, a usurping race held power, that whose forefathers, generations before, had descended upon Egypt like a flood, destroyed its temples and deposed its gods, possessing themsel..

Lambkin's Remains

Lambkin's Remains

by Hilaire Belloc

It is without a trace of compunction or regret that I prepare to edit the few unpublished essays, sermons and speeches of my late dear friend, Mr. Lambkin. On the contrary, I am filled with a sense that my labour is one to which the clearest interests of the whole English people call me, and I have found myself, as the work grew under my hands, ful..

Tales of the Wild and the Wonderful [1867]

Tales of the Wild and the Wonderful [1867]

by Mary Diana Dods

Pause one moment, gentle Reader—only one little moment will I detain you, while I reply to the question which I have supposed you to ask in the title-page.  Blame not me, I beseech you, if you are compelled to make the usual accusation against authors, that there is nothing new in the pages which I diffidently present to you: I am sorry for it..

A Son of Ishmael -  A Novel

A Son of Ishmael - A Novel

by L. T. Meade

Not many years ago in the neighbourhood of Andover stood a lonely house, which went by the name of the Grange. It was enclosed in walled-in gardens, and people who passed by on the high road saw nothing of it. The house itself was squarely built—its windows were small, with old-fashioned latticed panes, and its thick walls were closely covered with..

His Excellency's English Governess

His Excellency's English Governess

by Sydney C. Grier

It was Presentation-day at the University of London. The date was somewhere in the latter half of the present century,—not this year, nor last year, nor the year before that, when you, dear reader, or your brother or cousin, may have graced the scene in cap and gown—but so long ago that the graduates and undergraduates of to-day were still in the n..

The Scottish Cavalier -  An Historical Romance, Volume 1 (of 3)

The Scottish Cavalier - An Historical Romance, Volume 1 (of 3)

by James Grant

From the historical and descriptive nature of the following tale, the Author intended that certain passages should be illustrated with notes, containing the local traditions and authorities from which it has been derived; but on second thoughts he has preferred confining these explanations to the preface.History will have rendered familiar to the r..

The Scottish Cavalier -  An Historical Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)

The Scottish Cavalier - An Historical Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)

by James Grant

Louis, surnamed the Saint, King of France, having taken the cross, sailed with a splendid retinue of knights, nobles, and soldiers bent on the delivery of Jerusalem from the profanation of the Moslem; and, landing in the East, laid siege to Damietta (in Lower Egypt), which he triumphantly won by storm. But, after enduring innumerable hardships and ..