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The Scottish Cavalier -  An Historical Romance, Volume 3 (of 3)

The Scottish Cavalier - An Historical Romance, Volume 3 (of 3)

by James Grant

The image of Clermistonlee and his threats came painfully upon Lilian's memory. She shrieked for aid, but her cries were lost in the vacuity of the old-fashioned coach in which she was being carried off. She strove to open the windows, but they were immoveable as those of a castle, and she resigned herself to tears and despair. The vehicle was rumb..

Pictures of the Socialistic Future

Pictures of the Socialistic Future

by Eugen Richter

It has been suggested by the publishers that the English translation of Eugene Richter’s clever little satire requires a word of introduction, on this, its new appearance, in a cheap and popular form. In 1893, the year of its first issue here, Socialism, though a burning question in Germany, was not an urgent controversy in this country. Since 1893..

Jabberwock, Beware!

Jabberwock, Beware!

by Richard A. Sternbach

The Security Council was in emergency session. The four delegates would have had easier consciences had more nations been represented, but it was hard to travel now. Only Russia, England and France were able to send their men to New York.The others said nothing. Overhead, above New York's stone and glass UN building that had been conceived in hope ..



by Frank M. Robinson

Clark Street, just north of Chicago's Loop, was the symbol of a million things, all of them bad, Manning thought. Bumpy paving bricks rutted with street car tracks and bordered on both sides by cheap saloons and quarter-a-night flop houses. Hot summer nights when the drunks clustered like flies on the sidewalks and Newberry Park was crowded with cr..

The Lost Ego

The Lost Ego

by Rog Phillips

It was evening. Somewhere down the block a woman was calling someone named Johnny. Across the street a man was going up the walk to the house from his car. Next door a skinny man with a large Adam's apple was mowing the lawn. He saw me and waved at me. A nervous smile flitted over his lips.I started to take off my coat. Sudden doubt made me pause. ..

Test Problem

Test Problem

by Alan J. Ramm

When he came to the head of the examination corridor, Jeremy glanced briefly at the slip of paper in his hand. Room 16B. He strode unhesitatingly down the long hall; his long legs carrying him along swiftly. After six years at the University, he knew the exact location of the tiny testing cubicle which had been assigned to him for his final exam in..

The Fugitives

The Fugitives

by Malcolm B. Morehart

Jeff Engel studied the feverish crowd hurrying through the subway turnstiles. As he checked each passing face against a card-index mind, he smiled to himself. Even when off duty, the habit persisted. There was always the chance he'd spot a face that would fit, one that would close another active file in Missing Persons Bureau.A mousey little guy sl..

Gleaner Tales

Gleaner Tales

by Robert Sellar

A glance at the map shows the south-western extremity of the province of Quebec to be a wedge shaped bit of territory; the St. Lawrence on one side, the United States on the other. All that is related in the following pages is associated with this corner of Canada. The name of the book comes from the newspaper in which most of the tales first appea..