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by Hal Annas

Jerry Kerran watched the news analyst fade from the screen to be replaced by a woman who looked directly at him and said, "Listen, girls! Professor Madigan's greatest invention. A new kind of magnetism more powerful than gravity. Works as a supplement to a natural magnetism. Can be controlled—"Kerran switched off the current. "Women," he growled. "..

A Zloor for Your Trouble!

A Zloor for Your Trouble!

by Mack Reynolds

After the four G's acceleration had cut off and we were in free fall, I took the opportunity to read the contract I'd hurriedly signed with Westley Marks. On thorough reading, the contract didn't seem too bad. All my expenses to and from Mars were paid by Marks. I also got five credits a month in the way of salary—no fortune, but average pay for a ..

The Antelope Boy

The Antelope Boy

by George L. Aiken

The surveying party were camped upon the banks of the Columbia River, a short distance from the mouth of its confluent, the Yakima.This party consisted of the two surveyors—Owen Blaikie, a bluff, middle-aged Scotchman, long since “naturalized” to this country, and Cyrus Robbins, a shrewd young Yankee, twelve United States soldiers under command of ..

Barren Ground

Barren Ground

by Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow

Thirty years ago, modern methods of farming, even methods that were modern in the benighted eighteen-nineties, had not penetrated to this thinly settled part of Virginia. The soil, impoverished by the war and the tenant system which followed the war, was still drained of fertility for the sake of the poor crops it could yield. Spring after spring, ..

The Phantom Rider

The Phantom Rider

by Maro O. Rolfe

A young girl sat by a table engaged in embroidering a broad strip of dressed deer-skin with fancifully colored beads and quills—a blue-eyed, slender-looking little woman with shining masses of golden-brown hair falling unconfined about her small, shapely head, and down over her shoulders until it reached the waist of her dress, which fitted her wil..

A Queen of Nine Days

A Queen of Nine Days

by Bryce Walton

It has been laid upon me as a very solemn duty by the late Lady Jane Dudley, or Grey as she is usually called, to whom I owe obedience and fealty born of love, which is all the more insistent.  Because she is no longer here to claim it, that I should set forth, in the best language possible to one of my limited education, the stirring events t..

Frank Reade, Jr., With His New Steam Man in Central America

Frank Reade, Jr., With His New Steam Man in Central America

by Luis Senarens

I have been thinking of you of late and so feel constrained to write you. Moreover, I have a big scheme in which I want to interest you. While at Campeachy I fell in with a native trader from Valladolid. I was fortunate enough to do him a service and gain his friendship, and as a reward he accorded me a most astonishing tale and secret...

South Sea Yarns

South Sea Yarns

by Basil Thomson

In the great bure of Raiyawa there was a story-telling. The lying-places filled three sides of the house—mats spread upon grass four feet wide,—and between each lying-place was a narrow strip of bare earth sprinkled with wood-ashes, on which three logs, nose to nose, were smouldering. A thin curl of blue smoke wreathed upwards from each to the coni..