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Second to None -  A Military Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)

Second to None - A Military Romance, Volume 2 (of 3)

by James Grant

The city of St. Malo was now more closely reconnoitred by the commander-in-chief, as well as by General Elliot, the quartermaster-general, and other officers, who were unanimously of opinion that, from its vast strength, a long time—a month at least—must elapse before it could be reduced; and as the heavy cannon and mortars requisite for such a sie..

Tales of the Unexpected

Tales of the Unexpected

by H. G. Wells

Tales of the Unexpected is a collection of Time travel short stories written by HG Wells comprising the stories including The remarkable case of Davidson's eyes, The moth, The story of the late Mr Elvesham, Under the knife, The Plattner story, The crystal egg, The man who could work miracles, A dream of armageddon, The new accelerator, The door in ..

The Scarlet Shoulders

The Scarlet Shoulders

by Jos. E. Badger

There is a spell—a fascination like that of a rattlesnake—that none but the dweller in “the land of the sun” can know. Young and old, men, women and children felt it now, and all rushed into the hacienda, only intent upon their own safety. But a clear, stern voice soared above the din, above the shouts of men, the shrieks of women and children; and..

Second to None -  A Military Romance, Volume 3 (of 3)

Second to None - A Military Romance, Volume 3 (of 3)

by James Grant

In April we moved to Fulda, from whence Prince Ferdinand began to advance at the head of thirty thousand men against the Duc de Broglie, whom we found strongly posted near the village of Bergen, which occupies a wooded eminence between Frankfort and Hanover. This village was defended by earthen works, along which were rows of corbeilles, as the Fre..

The Lake of Wine

The Lake of Wine

by Bernard Capes

Some time in June of the year 1800 (as privately chronicled) there came a famous evening at Whitelaw’s Club in St. James’s Street, off Piccadilly, London. There and then—according to the unattested evidence of an eyewitness—Mr. Ladislaw lost his head, Lord Dunlone his mistress, Sir Robert Linne his fortune, and Major Dalrymple his life. Thus it app..

Three Spacemen Left to Die!

Three Spacemen Left to Die!

by Russ Winterbotham

Commander Al Andrews had closed and locked the energy-proof, neutralizing bulkheads against the creeping red glow that infected one quadrant of his circular space ship. Now he stood in the Control Center, in the mid-section of the revolving wagon-wheel ship, looking at Oakey Matthews.There had been times aboard this ship when a whole crew had been ..

Fish Fry

Fish Fry

by Arnold Marmor

Off Key West in the Florida Strait, with the bucking of the motor launch under the seat of my pants, and a rod and reel in my hands, I could relax. I mean really relax. Sometimes a cool current from the Gulf of Mexico would engulf me and it would be like something a man dreams about. Alone, under a blue sky, with one's thoughts. And then the though..

The Frightful Ones

The Frightful Ones

by Richard Maples

It had been drummed into him ever since the landing and explosion of the rockets. He'd been very little then and it was hard to understand. But they'd explained it carefully—over and over again.The rockets were a test. They'd been fired by beings on another planet. Some day the beings themselves would come to invade. He'd often thought about it—esp..